Moonlit Paradise

On a remote prehistoric rock, the blessings of life are on full display as its coast welcomes the caress and salty kiss of a gentle breeze.

The rhythmic rushing sound of crashing surf and receding waves drowns out all other audible sensations.

A grayish-silver sheen from the waxing gibbous moon casts across a clouded vista as faraway heavens flicker in the distance.

The Pacific laps remnants of a once vibrant Banyan now littering the sandy coconut shoreline, stranded, with no hope of being washed away.

The silky embrace of a moonlit paradise warms the soul as it slows one’s heart, channeling nature’s healing properties to produce a childlike smile.

Fused, they create a humbling symphonic charm unique to a lush green watery oasis, a Hawaiian Garden Isle.


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