My daily commute passes a lone evergreen standing proudly, growing from the vertical stone cliff face. I have driven past this marvel more times than I can remember. However, each time, I admire its perseverance and the genuine fortitude that nature possesses. It illustrates for us all what a single seed, the idea of what is possible, and a little nourishment can produce. For me, this solitary fir exemplifies the definition of grit.
Grit cannot be bought or taught, nor can it be obtained by watching a video. It’s earned from life’s harsh reality, lessons garnered from overcoming difficulties, failures, or mistakes. It’s the result that comes from working through diversity and hard-fought challenges.
The value of grit represents the qualities of perseverance, resilience, and determination, making it a desirable trait in most situations. Grit is a key ingredient required for achieving success in life. Without it, we will never get past being a displaced seed with little hope of achieving life’s goals.