On March 6th, Do Better! was spotlighted in a recent episode of The balanced Voice podcast with Rania Mankarious. I would like to thank Rania’s cohost Jennifer Hohman for highlighting my book. Rania and Jennifer are doing incredible things for our children and parents. Please check out their podcast.
Ep. 91 | Social Media & Fentanyl Remedies – Sam Chapman, Joann Bogard & Amy Neville
Watch: YouTube https://youtu.be/L3wmPNAXifY?si=QyJQD9idgcociOHt
Listen: Spotify https://bit.ly/Spotify-TheBalancedVoice
Listen: Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-balanced-voice-with-rania-mankarious/id1531140623?i=1000648232337