Ante Lux (Before the Light)

No light, a dark sky sanctuary delivers awe and delight
as shimmering sparks of far-flung stars appear magnified in sight.
Vast Colorado heavens give way to a milky spiral tail
ushering in a celestial pathway from light-years away.

Days grow shorter, and darker by the minute
as summer constellations wane, the past soon to be our present.
The night sky gives way to the brightest of all,
a lunar cycle is now above and on full display.

An earthly orbit and marveled experience
only to be surpassed by its heavenly composer and all that is liked.
With pressed hands together pray to the sky,
for the dreams cast upon a shooting star only occur when the time is right.
Wish for dark skies and a star-filled field of mystical lights.

Stargaze you might in the darkness of night,
lest it be postponed by the threat of dawn,
darkest it is just before twilight.


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