A Path to Grace

A friend recently reminded me that there are many intentional steps put before us that we must choose to reach an enlightened destination of being.

To be a heart-led leader, mother, father, coach, mentor, or friend one must consider the amount of humility and discipline it requires to show up consistently at every exchange. Being present does not occur naturally for most.

Beyond being kind, expressing love, or exhibiting patience one must first be still and find contentment in the art of forgiveness. Both in oneself and in others. Mastering this soft skill while extending gratitude will lead to a genuine, healthy, and giving relationship.

Mastery and gained wisdom can only be earned through purposeful listening. An art so gentle and sweet defies most but once learned, it will open many pathways in life.

Finally, to serve others we must first serve ourselves through our wellbeing. Maintaining a balance of mind, body, and soul requires a regimen of walks, rest, prayer, and a healthy diet. All balanced and within reason.

These skills, combined with an abundance of joy and laughter, are needed to reach an enlightened state and live in the presence of grace.

Thank you, Tommy!


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